E n g i n e e r i n g  E x p e r i e n c e
Engineering Experience focused on designing a building within Bishops Auckland with the aim of re-industrializing the area. This was a location that had fallen into disrepair, yet is now under reformation with projects such as the Auckland Project. This design scheme aims to add purpose within the town and attract people once again to create a bustling center of culture and industry. With the Industrial aspect, I wanted to focus on materiality in the chosen industry of pottery. Creating an exhibition and pottery craft center, my aim was to create a landmark within this town and provide a creative hub for people of all varieties to enjoy and participate in. Within this project, the focus was on conveying the theme of Foldability within the experience of my building. 

Ground Floor Plan
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Roof Plan
Roof Plan
Afternoon Exterior Render
Afternoon Exterior Render
F e s t i v a l   J o u r n e y.
Part of the proposed regeneration of Bishops Auckland includes a festival focused on art and industry, in which the Pottery Centre would play an integral part. On a route passing through the town and into the building, visitors would have the opportunity to contribute to the festival by creating pieces of work within workshops that would be displayed in the exhibition room. This space would also exhibit local artists who make use of the building.
Section A-A
Section A-A
Section B-B
Section B-B
The initial program drawing demonstrates ideas of a journey through the building starting from making to the consumption of pottery. I wanted this route to be physical, within the building, leading a consumer on an unfolding journey through small and open spaces. Within this journey, the kiln would be at the heart of it.
Programme Drawing
Programme Drawing
Site Sketch
Site Sketch
Initial Sketches
Initial Sketches
Exhibition Space Concept
Exhibition Space Concept
Interior Exhibition Space
Interior Exhibition Space
M a t e r i a l i t y.
Materiality was particularly important in this design. Taking inspiration from the traditional industrial silhouettes and construction, red brick is made an aesthetic feature throughout. large void spaces such as the exhibition space, celebrates the qualities of this material, aiming to showcase this in a sculptural light. 
As an aesthetic landmark within the town, I wanted to create a spectacle to be enjoyed at different points in the day. Perforated brick walls, allow for transparency within the exterior in the evening yet within the daytime allow for designed shadows internally. This play with light and shadow adds to the dramatization of the building. 
Perforated Brick Details
Perforated Brick Details
Workshop Atmospheric Sketch
Workshop Atmospheric Sketch
S e c t i o n   M o d e l   A t m o s p h e r i c   P h o t o s
Exhibition Space Key Details
Exhibition Space Key Details
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Structure
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Structure
B r  i c k   S t r u c t u r e
In showcasing brick construction, the primary structure of the building is load-bearing cavity walls. Each main separate building incorporates this structure supporting a brick roof made possible by this type of construction. Primary, secondary, and tertiary structure is highlighted within the above diagram.
D w e l l i n g  +
Within this project, the brief was to design a multi-functional residential building within a vacant and deteriorating part of Glasgow city, The Gorbals. Taking inspiration from the site and ambitions of neighborhood regeneration, we were to design a 6 family apartment block with a unique element of co-habitation as previously studied within the year. I chose the end site of a block of apartment buildings behind Carlton place, a disused Edwardian structure. The idea was to design one section of this block as an example of a design that could be repeated. Within the site and the wider context of the city, it was apparent the disparity between the cultural hub of the central town and the Gorbals, devoid of this same life. Within this project, I was focused on creating a building centering around the art culture of Glasgow, with elements of community integration, and how to bring this culture to the other side of the river. Furthermore, I wanted to have emphasis on green space and create a contrasting building to the Glasgow vernacular to signify renovation and a new era for Gorbals.
E x t e r i o r   R e n d e r
throughout this design, I wanted to convey aspects of materiality, light, and space, to create an enhanced inhabitation experience. Using exposed and contrasting materials showcases the strong nature of the design, making a feature of the concrete cores. This I feel celebrates the industrial heritage of this site, yet creates a new vernacular for the area in an attempt of regeneration. An abundance of glazing and greenery throughout the design aims to connect this manmade structure to its external environment; The stepped roof acts as a direct connection creating an expansive garden, in a space in which greenspace is lacking
Exterior Afternoon
Exterior Afternoon
Private Apartment Bedroom
Private Apartment Bedroom
Public Art Studio
Public Art Studio
Co-Living Common Space
Co-Living Common Space
Tiered Block Design
Tiered Block Design
Community Roof Garden
Community Roof Garden
Site Access
Site Access
Site Plan
Site Plan
Sun Path Analysis
Sun Path Analysis
F l o o r   P l a n s
Creating a distinctive form for this building, I wanted to simplify the division of living and shared space. Centering around a single circulation core, the form is made up of 5 satellite concrete structures following an ascending design. With each apartment a stepped vertical unit, privacy is ensured with each section of the building designated to a family. The residential space within this building is divided between two private apartments and two larger co-living units. The community facilities of the art gallery, studios (in which local art is produced and displayed) and the roof garden allow for both public integration within the community and also for communal living. The appearance is strong yet delicate with the focus being on overt materiality.
S o u t h  E l e v a t i o n 
S e c t i o n  A - A
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